Monday, August 27, 2012

She's Domestic!

Last year I decided to be domestic.  I created a meticulous step by step program to get me from clueless college kid to halo-ed homemaker extraordinaire. 

Step 1: grilled cheese.

Apparently 20 minutes on high is not advisable, nor was attempting to drown the smell out with body spray, unless you are fond Bath and Body's newest "Nuclear Apples" scent.

Step 2: Muffins

These were fail proof--literally just add water.  Unless of course you add four times the required amount, in which case it's time to get creative.  I believe the situation went something like this:

We boiled it too much.  And the blueberries dissolved.

It wouldn't fry.

The result: muffin-pancake-sausages. Truly, it's inspiring and mildly disconcerting how much faith my roommate had in my ideas. Though not as disturbing as the fact that I legitimately enjoyed the product. Not only have I lost all ability to cook, but my taste buds are shot, too. Reason number 346 why Sarah will never find a husband.

Step 3: home made bread

Still, I have not been deterred.

Anyone want to come over for a barbeque this weekend?

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